Seeking local knowledge is as important as ensuring you have the right technology. Without community involvement and stakeholder participation, technology can be as much a hinderance as a tool - put the two together and the divide can be crossed much more easily with lasting results.
It is important to choose the right technology to fit the expedition - in this case the coffee pot make all of the difference.
Expedition Technology can mean the difference between success and failure in meeting expedition goals. Being able to keep contributors and sponsors up to date is as much a part of todays expeditionary landscape as the goal itself. Technology in its various forms can assist in documenting and processing both imagery and data ensuring expeditions are able to complete tasks more efficiently under difficult conditions. Ontheflyexpeditions partners with various companies to ensure that we have access to the most relevant technologies in order to solve complex problems while conducting expeditions in remote and often hostile environments.
Sending web updates via SATCOM along the route - Guaso Nyiro River - Kenya 2006
Please check back for updates on expedition tech.
All photographs and material on this site copyright (c) Tommy Allen and Ontheflyexpeditions unless otherwise noted. Photographs of Earnest Hemingway are in the public domain and are utilized here for Educational use only. Photographs of Peter Beard are likewise for Educational and historical purposes only. Painting on Tribute to Jasper Evans page is taken from a photograph that I took in 2006 - the painting is the sole property of the Evans family and is presented here only as a lasting tribute to the memory of Jasper Evans.